MP5 Receiver

Save Money: Build Your MP5 with an MP5 Receiver

In previous blogs, we’ve spoken about the cost of an HK MP5 as one of the main reasons that you should seriously consider an American-made MP5 as an alternative, like our ZF-5.

That remains an viable option, and our complete ZF-5 packages have everything you need (less 9mm ammo) to get to the range and start plinking.

But they’re still several thousand dollars. There is a cheaper way to complete an MP5 build if you have a few skills and the right parts.

It starts with an MP5 receiver. Here’s what you need to know about creating a custom build.

Start with a “Blem” MP5 Receiver with a Cocking Tube and MP5 Barrel Preinstalled

A great way to save on an MP5 receiver is to get one of the blemished models we sell here, preferably with the barrel and cocking tube already installed.

Our unfinished MP5 receivers with barrel and cocking tube assemblies installed cost $395 and save you the trouble of having to install these parts, which will require you to weld.

They are otherwise unfinished and will require you to assemble and install the rest of the requisite MP5 parts, but despite the fact that they are blemished, their functionality is still covered by our lifetime warranty.

(The lifetime warranty does not apply to non-functionality issues and blemishes such as dings, scratches, engraving marks, or parts that are slightly off center. Contact us for further details).

If you want to save even more, you can also get an unfinished, sanded MP5 receiver without the barrel and cocking tube, but you will need to weld these parts on if you go this route.

What Else You Need: MP5 Parts

The MP5 receiver is the heart of the gun and the part that is actually considered a firearm by the ATF, but it is not the only MP5 part you will need to complete a build.

If you go with one of our blemished MP5 receivers, it will already have the barrel and cocking tube installed. You will also need:

  • Cocking bearer and handle: Zenith Firearms sells both cocking tube bearer assemblies (which come with detent springs and pins) and cocking tube handle assemblies, as well as cocking tube end caps.
  • MP5 bolt carrier group (and parts): We sell MP5 bolt carrier groups as well as the internals necessary to assemble the carrier, including but not limited to guide rod assemblies, MP5 firing pin kits, extractors and springs, and locking pieces. (see previous link).
  • MP5 lower/trigger housing: We sell both complete trigger housing (which include the guard, grip, and fire selector levers) as well as just the MP5 trigger groups and housings, separately.
  • Mag catch and release set: In addition to an MP5 mag catch, you’ll also need an MP5 magazine release set.
  • MP5 handguard: We carry tropical style MP5 handguards.
  • MP5 stock: We carry both MP5 stocks and buttcap assemblies.
  • Take down pins for assembly: These are required to assemble the entire platform.
  • MP5 sights, specifically the diopter rear sight (the front sight is installed on the barrel)
  • MP5 magazines: Not necessarily a part of the firearm, but necessary anyway. Ours are all-steel, with high-tensile strength compression springs, steel followers, and round count holes at the read. They’re also manganese phosphate coated to resist corrosion.

You’ll also need all springs, hardware, and internal components if you don’t buy assembled bolts, trigger assemblies, etc.

The Extras: MP5 Accessories

To get the most out of your MP5 build, you may way the following MP5 accessories as well.

The Added Advantage of 922r Part Compliance

One of the main benefits of finishing your MP5 build with our receivers is that many of our MP5 parts are American-made.

Keep in mind that for 922r part compliance, only a select number of parts can be manufactured overseas.

Our receivers are compatible with German-made HK MP5 platforms as well as our ZF-5 platforms, but be cognizant of the number of foreign made parts you include in the build.

For more information, consult our previous blog, “922r Parts and Compliance: A Few Things You Should Know,” and our 922r Compliance page.

MP5 Receiver

Important Note

Building an HK MP5, if you don’t have a receiver, will require you to learn how to weld in order to create a receiver. You’ll also need to weld the barrel trunnion to the receiver if that isn’t done yet, as well as the semi-auto shelf. The blemished MP5 receivers we carry here already have some of that work, done, though, which will save you some time.

Questions Before You Start Your Build?

We recognize that completed an MP5 build from a receiver and MP5 parts is a lot more involved than many common firearms that are assembled with kits, such as AR-15 rifles and 1911 and Glock pistols.

So, if you have any questions, before you buy anything, get in touch with us at or at 434-202-7790.

1 thought on “Save Money: Build Your MP5 with an MP5 Receiver”

  1. Brent Pelletier

    This is great guys, I am the proud owner now of two Zenith receivers .
    Beside the discount for being blems, just think I will really enjoy building them.
    I also see that you are providing almost all the parts now and definitely what to go this route.
    Hint Hint- I will be first in-line when you start offering a complete bolt carrier.

    Thank you

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