
With a team of engineers, manufacturing, and roller-delayed firearm experts; we have redesigned the ZF-5 platform to provide a superior but instantly recognizable firearm using state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques and exceptional quality control.

To meet strict quality requirements, we employ highly skilled personnel to operate over 130 cutting edge machines (4-axis and 5-axis vertical mills, horizontal lathes, Swiss-style lathes, stamping and turret punch presses, and laser and robotic welders) in facilities spanning over 275,000 square feet.

Each of our firearms is assembled and finished with superior craftsmanship using the latest technologies in welding, surface treatments (Parkerizing, ferritic nitrocarburizing, and electrophoretic deposition) for long term corrosion and wear resistance, and final coating.

We guarantee that our American-made firearms meet or exceed the original design specifications. Along with extensive field testing, critical measurements of each component are validated using the latest technology in Mitutoyo® quality inspection equipment. Every component coming off the assembly line is controlled by the AS9100D quality standard.

As we enter full production, Zenith components and firearms will be introduced to the international market through several channels including security and law enforcement agencies and friendly foreign militaries. Domestically, we expect to satisfy the need for parts and accessories to agencies with aging submachineguns that have been unable to source components or repairs.

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